Tenmile Lakes Association
September MEETING 09/06/2023
Lakeshore Lodge at 5:30 pm
Mike Mader, Betty and Gerry Ewing, Debbie Newman, Dee Drumned, Alan Whitney, Suzie McDaniel, Shane Anderson
August Minutes were approved.
Presidents Report
See below
Vice Presidents Report
Member at Large Report
Lake quality is holding
In-stream project: TLA to send email/letter to raise funds
TLBP Report
Lake level: Gauge is broken
History dinner was a success. Next year ideas - History of Elliott State Forest. Thank you to all who donated and worked the event! TLA needs to send out ‘thank you’ letters
New Business
Nov meeting to focus on Letters to be sent for fundraising and Marketing/Communication plan.
Glen Christensen, Diver Services, 541 808 7629
Treasurer’s Report
Billeter Marine (creek restoration
damage) $ 3874.51
Lakeshore Lodge (history
dinner) $1697.00
mail chimp $ 13.00
total expenses: $5584.51
tickets for history dinner: $1094.00
silent auction items: $1030.00
donations to TLA: $1100.00
dues(less paypal)
Paypal giving fund: 1.00
total income: $3322.00
history dinner:
ticket sales: $2184.54
silent auction: $1030.00
total: $3214.54
less costs: - $1697.00
net income : $1517.54
total donations for creek restoration:$80,547.57
total expenses creek restoration: $75,133.56
balance in checking account:$29,443.80
balance in savings account: 1.00
total: $29,443.80
note:someone combined donations to TLA and TLBP on same check, so TLBP owed $100 from TLA
submitted by Debbie Newman, treasurer of TLA