Tenmile Lakes Association
March MEETING 03/06/2024
Lakeshore Lodge at 5:30 pm
Alan Whitney, Gerry and Betty Ewing, Jerry Zack, Jill, Debbie Newman, Dee Drumned, Joe Callan, Alan Whitney, Mike Mader, Greta Krost
Feb. The minutes were approved.
Presidents Report
See Below
Vice Presidents Report
Not present
Secretary Report
Member at Large Report
Nothing new from the lake.
Earth Day Email - Suzie is working on it. She needs the details of the event. 4/20 9 am to 1 pm
Experience Lakeside: Father's Day Weekend (June 15/16). Dee suggests we contact LBO; TLA may be exempt if we want a booth.
July 4th fireworks - TLA will not pass around boots
Large Item pickup (saturday) - Sat Aug 23ish
State of the Lakes - Sat Aug 24ish
Sept 21 - History Dinner
UTV takeover—Does TLA want to volunteer to help raise funds for TLA? You can earn up to $240 for working the event. Contact Gerry—he needs to know by April 1 if you want to volunteer.
TLBP Report
Big Creek purchase of 222 acres is closing for TLBP purchase for restoration!! Mader has been working on it for 27 years.
The Lake gauge is being worked on and should be working by 3/31/2024. There is an issue with ants covering the hardware.
The Algae group study gave an update at TLBP. The study will be continued through 2025.
June 1 free fishing day at Tugman Event. Volunteers wanted.
Wetland projects are on hold due to permitting and weather
Lake level: 14.4’. The highest for March is 14.9” measured via Dee Drummond.
New Business
Western Shore Restoration: For weed control work in the canal, the best cost-wise options are herbicide treatment for selective (non-native) lily pads ($3,800) and mechanical pull for seaweed ($1,600). Clearcast herbicide (non-toxic) should be applied when vegetation is in full bloom. Estimate ~6 acres from the boat ramp to the mouth of the south entrance. A maximum of 20 acres per waterbody is allowed before permits are required with the state, DEQ. Beg letter discussion Total: $5,200 for the first year. Success at Devils Lake.
Pros: improve navigation and safety for tenmile lakes
TLA approves a motion to support fundraising for this effort, conditional on getting permits.
Motion approved for TLA to get hats made with logo.
Betty Ewing made paper designs for TLA Train Car (super cute train car) Dee to take to the design to the organizers.
Oregon Marine Board says it costs ($500,000) for floating toilets plus additional maintenance.
Get set up with square? (Betty)
Beg letter discussion
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Report by Debbie Newman | Feb 29,2023 |
Expenses: | |
Mailchimp | $13.00 |
Insurance | |
Creek Restoration | |
Accountant Fees | $570.00 |
Misc | |
Total Expenses | $583.00 |
Income: | |
General Donation | |
Creek Restoration Donation | $392.56 |
Large-Item Pick up | |
Dues/Membership | |
Fundraiser Event | |
Misc | |
Total Income: | $392.56 |
Balance in checking account | $38,698.33 |
Balance in savings account | $1.00 |
Cash On Hand | $47.62 |
Total: | $38,746.95 |