Tenmile Lakes Association
June MEETING 06/05/2024
Lakeshore Lodge at 5:30 pm
Board Members: Alan Whitney, Betty Ewing for Gerry, Debbie Newman, Diane Snyder, Greta Krost
Guests: Shane Anderson, Dee Drummond, Mike Mader, Jonathan David, Suzie McDaniel
May minutes were approved.
Presidents Report
See Below
Vice Presidents Report
Not present
Secretary Report
Thank you to Dee Drummond for taking May notes!!
Member at Large Report
Betty present in Gerry’s place. Promoted volunteering at UTV take over.
Experience Lakeside - August 2.
Large Item pickup - Sat Aug 24. Dee will ask Tenmile Barge to volunteer on N Lake?
State of the Lakes - Fri Aug 23
History Dinner, Sept 21 - Ms. Browncomb will be the speaker on the Elliot State Forest. Greta to ask Geolgoist. What about history of camp Easter Seals?
TLBP Report
Breaking ground on Benson for restoration. Big Creek is going.
The TLBP Lake gauge is waiting on a part that should be here 2nd week of June. However, the OregonBass.com has a gauge to view online.
The Algae drinking water study is on going.
Weed project in canal. Department of State Lands (DSL) comment period is over. Next step is administrative review.
Lake level: 7.89’
New Business
Alan made a bench and it is on display at Lakesdie Marina - $5.00 raffle ticket. Fundraiser for TLA.
July 3 TLA meeting is canceled, next meeting in Aug.
TLA Elections are in Septemebr. Board recommendations are in by Aug, so we vote in September.
Beg letter discussion
Treasurer’s Report