TLA Tenmile Lakes Association Minutes
Meeting at Lakeshore Lodge 7/6/22 5:30pm
Called to order 5:35pm
Presidents Report website 471 visits 89% new
Vice President Report none to report
Secretary Report none to report
Treasurers Report written submitted by Debbie
At Large Member Report none to report position now open
TLBP: Aug 20, 2022 date set for State of the Lakes, need volunteers to assist with on-site registration and dinner. Other programs proceeding thru Grant/Approval process.
Committee Reports:
June 18, 2022 Fathers Day "Experience Lakeside" - was a measured success, those who stopped by the booth we interested in TLA, not large volume of persons
4th of July booth - was slow weather was not supportive, no other vendor type booths were present
Membership report - 3-4 new at Fathers Day event
Blume letter to membership no report
History Dinner --to be considered for the 3rd weekend in September, still confirming presenters
Old Business
Update on Tenmile Creek Restoration - water level still high all is holding well. Some people are questioning when the City Sewer Plant moves what will the insurance status be for the restoration project?
Lake Gauge - 7.80ft higher than many previous years for this date in July.
Septic repair/replacement grants from DEQ, criteria and proposals for Tenmile Lakes are still being determined.
Floating toilets - meetings upcoming in Aug and Sept between the entities involved with purchase/maintenance.
Loaner Life Jacket station - working great
New Business none to report
Adjournment 6:25pm