Tenmile Lakes Association
Feb MEETING 02/01/2023
Lakeshore Lodge and via zoom at 5:30 PM
Debbie Newman, Dee Drummond, Gary Carlson Greta Krost, Mike Mader, Diane Snyder, Betty and Gerry Ewing, Brad Ballif, John and Cathy Reiss, Renee and Jim Towan and other attendees in the audience, but did not get everyone’s name.
Minutes from Dec 2022
President’s Report
Alan is out for back surgery for awhile
Vice President’s Report
Running meetings, while Alan is out.
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
There was no January meeting so this report is from Dec 7, 2022 til Feb 1, 2023
USPS mailing charge to send paperwork to Angie for audit: $9.90
USPS-PO Box Charge for 1 year: $74.00
Corporate Division 2023 annual report: $50.00
Income: None
balance in checking account: 37,556.05
balance in savings account: 1.00
cash on hand: 45.62
submitted by Debbie Newman, treasurer of TLA
Member at Large Report
Motion approved for TLA members who have signature authority on checking account: Alan Whitney, Debbie Newman, and Gerry Ewing to get a debit card from TLA checking account to use for expenses like Mailchimp, etc.
TLBP Report
Tenmile Creek report – Mike looked at creek on Monday and it looks good. Project works (slows the creek flow) when lake level is at lake 7’ elevation.
TLBP received a proposal working with U of Oregon to research the effect on users of Tenmile lakes by the algae blooms. This may help get money for eventual treatment of the lake. It involves surveying interested persons on the effects of algae blooms on health, activities and economics. Looking for 15 North Lake and 15 South Lake volunteers who filter lake water. Data is confidential. Fill out a questionnaire by the end of Feb 2023. Contact Mike Mader.
TLBP received 2.9 million and $580k grants to restore wetlands.
Outreach Committee
Earth Day Lake Clean Up (April 22) – The purpose of the event is to clean up the garbage and styrofoam in the lake (which is different then the August large item pick up). TLA coordinates a 30 cy dumpster at the county docks to allow for volunteers to dispose of it in dumpster. Residents have seen a lot of garbage in the lake this winter. Alan is typically the muscle behind this event, but won’t be able to participate in the same capacity this year. TLA proposed we get the dumpster but put the clean up efforts on the volunteers. Additional details to follow, but the date is set.
Fourth of July Fireworks – John Reiss will be here for July 4th. John is looking for volunteers on July 4th – see handout. TLA asked if the volunteers could be paid - to be determined? Contact John Reiss to volunteer (email and call).
Fundraising at fireworks. – Add to next meeting’s agenda
Membership Report
Will ask Blume to send out TLA updates in email and Facebook groups. John Reiss will update the website.
Old Business
Participant asked if there was still interest in hot air balloons. A pilot is interested. The Coast Guard is interested in helping. TLA recommended discussing this with the Lakeside Business Association.
Lake Gauge Report 9.75’
New Business
Tenmile Lake Association has approved a new dock sign property number to replace the current sign. It will be a useful tool for Lakeside Emergency Services to identify your property when responding by water. We encourage all lake property owners to consider updating to the new sign. Instructions to purchase can be found on the Tenmile Lake Association web page under the purchase dock sign link.
Meeting adjourned 6:30 PM