Tenmile Lakes Association
August MEETING 08/03/2022
Lakeshore Lodge at 5:30 PM
Alan Young, Dee Drummond, Greta Krost, John Reiss, Cathy Reiss, Jerry Ewing, Debbie Newman, Mike Maderm, Johnath David, Diane Snyder
Minutes from June 2022
Minutes approved
President’s Report
Filed 2021 Taxes - Available for review, TLA paid filing fee and bill from accountant
Vice President’s Report
Nothing to report
Secretary’s Report
Thanks Dee for taking June notes and typing them up
Treasurer’s Report
Schwartz Family Insurance renewal:$558.00
Creek Restoration donation 10.00 (less $0.69 paypal)
Membership dues: $25.00 (less $0.69 paypal)
balance in checking account: 33,618.17
balance in savings account: 1.00
balance in pay pal: .00
cash on hand: 34.62
total: $33,653.79
total donations for creek restoration: $80,547.67
total expenses for creek restoration: $63,939.90
Total donations for aeration project: $3.00
total carried over for 2023 fireworks: $ 3,208.81
submitted by Debbie Newman, treasurer of TLA
Member at Large Report
● None
Tenmile Lakes Basin Partnership Report
Discussed lake initiatives - Wetland restoration and water quality
State of the Lakes Dinner - See above
Outreach Committee
August 20 - Looking for volunteers for large item pick up. Looking for a barge for N. Lake. Ringo’s will donate a forklift. Greta will ask Facebook Tenmile Lake group. Contact Whitneyalan9@gmail.com for coordination
State of the Lakes - Starts at 5 pm at the Lakeside Lions club. TLA needs volunteers to sign-in people. $10/plate
History Dinner Fundraiser September 24, 2022 at Lakeshore Lodge - S55 dinner approved. Need Raffle items. Alan built a double adirondack chair that will be raffled at Ringos.
Membership Report
Ask Blume and Michelle to send out mailchimp email for upcoming events. Send email sign in form to TLA members - they didn't get the last email via Mailchimp.
Old Business
Update on Tenmile Creek Restoration → functioning well
Algae report = In the past there have been 2 toxic algae species that produce toxins, we’ve visually seen the lake going greener, but you look for the blue green scum. Water levels are fantastic. If an algae comes up, TLBP would test for algae blooms.
Floating toilets - the Marine Board said nothing is happening this year.
Lake Gauge Report
6.7’ 8/3/2022
New Business
Election of the board - Vote on September Meeting
Remind people if there are people who want in or out!
Fireworks - City is putting it in for $25k.
Meeting adjourned 6:30 PM