TLA, Tenmile Lakes Association
meeting 3/7/2018 at Lakeshore Lodge 6PM
Call to Order
Board Roll Call and Introductions of members. Guests
Approval of minutes from 2/7/2018
President’s Report
Vice-President’s Report
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
At Large Member’s Report
TLBP report
Committee Reports
Outreach & Membership (Whitney, Robbers, Reiss, Newman, Blume
Plans to help fund raise for 2018 fireworks on JULY 3, Snack Shack
Volunteer Fire Dept. to pass boot and possible booth, float for donations by Ringo,
Bands, Sing National Anthem,
State Of Lakes ? Location August 10 or 11th We would like to see interest in moving to Saturday
Indian Life in Tenmile Watershed topic for 2018 dinner in Nov.
Earth Day clean up
Membership report -Rachael
Old Business
Flier update decision
Fund raising options , Hat sales,
Lake gauge report
Weed barrier report for April meeting
Next approach for low water
Speakers for summer meeting Neighborhood watch for Lake Associate with Lakeside Citizens Patrol. Each Lake would have captain. If enough volunteers each would have portion of lake or arm to check on from lake. If requested by owner the patrol could enter on property or if requested by police or lake captain. Reports would be to lake captain who reports to TLA meeting.
New Business
Public Comments and input