November 6, 2019 / 6PM / LAKESHORE LODGE
Julie Robbers, Blume Bauer, Debbie Newman, Mike Shaw, John Reiss, Angie Cowan,
Rich Schradle, Jim Weishaupt, Dee Drummond, and Jim Moulten.
Approval of Minutes from the October Meeting (10/2/2019)
1. Minutes not approved, postponed to next meeting.
President’s Report
● Attended a non-profit workshop. Purchased a booklet that contains
information on maintaining financial records for non-profits as well as
rules for order of conduct. Recommends reviewing and making changes to
bylaws via a committee. (Bylaws are on TLA’s website for review.)
● Recommendation to consider insurance for the board of officers due to
the increasing funds brought in for fundraising.
● Submitted a letter of request for a $10,000 grant from Coquille Tribe
before the 10/31/19 deadline. Received a letter back approving our
letter of request and asking that we submit a full grant packet.
Vice President’s Report
● None
Secretary’s Report
● None (absent last meeting)
Treasurer’s Report
● The current account balance is $63,708.56
○ Membership dues received – $25
○ Creek Restoration donations – $1297.50
○ No expenses for month
○ Balances
■ Checking $63,658.49
■ Paypal $0
■ Savings Account $1.00
■ Cash on hand $49.07
○ Total Raised for Creek Restoration Project to date – $49,260.26
○ Total Raised for 2020 Fireworks – $3162.06
○ Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report by Julie Robbers, John Reiss
seconded. All in favor.
Member at Large Report
● None
Tenmile Lakes Basin Partnership (TLBP) Report
● TLA requested that Dee Drummond give a verbal report for TLBP at future
meetings as a TLBP Board Member. Dee agreed to do so.
● Recreational advisory on both lakes for water quality.
● John Reiss reminded everyone that with a higher level of water, we would
have cooler water, and less algae blooms theoretically.
Committee Reports
● Outreach Committee
○ Earth Day
■ Next upcoming event in April TBD
○ History Dinner
■ Moved to May TBD
■ Jack Bowron to speak about Curry Village and the years
surrounding it in Lakeside
■ John Reiss recommended possible Camp Curry Tours on day of
history dinner
○ Wine & Chocolate Tour
■ June TBD
○ 4th of July Beach Party
■ Putting together a brochure to raise funds again this year.
○ Large Item Clean Up
■ August TBD
○ State of the Lakes (TLBP event)
■ August TBD
Membership Committee Report
● John Reiss has stepped in to take over the Membership Officer position.
Old Business
● Lake Gauge Report
○ The lake gauge is currently working and reads 6.49”.
● Creek Restoration Project
○ Site Tour with John Reiss was very successful.
■ Approximately 20 people in attendance, including Council
Member Debi Rose, Sanitation Plant Operator Gary, Gary
Vanderhoe from ODFW, and Mike Mader from TLBP.
■ John would like to host more site tours. The next one to be
held between Thanksgiving and Christmas TBD.
■ John has a Q&A document about the Creek Restoration Project
to share with people who are interested.
■ The engineer for the project has been procured – plans will
be ready in approximately 2 weeks.
■ John will attend City Council meeting next week to provide
an update on the Creek Restoration Project.
New Business
● Revision of bylaws
○ Need committee
● Insurance
○ Discuss board insurance and renewing liquor license for events at
next meeting.
● Tax Filing by an Accountant
○ The type of funds that TLA has are restricted and unrestricted
○ Merit Accounting Services provided a proposal for handling our tax
filing now that we have an increased amount of funds coming in.
The board and attending members of the meeting reviewed the
○ Julie Robbers motioned that we hire Merit Accounting Services to
file our 990EZ for the rate of $499/year. John Reiss seconded the
motion. All in favor.
● New Auditing Committee
○ Proposed that Mike Shaw, Alan Whitney, and Debbie Newman handle
the yearly audit for Tenmile Lakes Association.
○ Julie made a motion to approve the new auditing committee, Dee
Drummond seconded the motion. All in favor.