September MEETING 9.2.20
Location: Lakeshore Lodge, Time: 6 pm
Alan Whitney, Blume Bauer, Debbie Newman, Julie Robbers, Ken Robbers, Dee Drummond, Greta Krost, Mike Shaw, John Reiss, Cathy Reiss, Renee Towan, Jim Towan, Mayor James Edwards
Minutes from August 2020
Motion to approve made by Debbie, 2nd by Mike. All were in favor. Minutes approved
President’s Report
Tenmile Creek in-stream restoration project is COMPLETE, except a few items left to do (e.g. seed, sign, plant willows, city mixing study discussions). Mayor believes the mixing study is necessary from DEQ, regardless of in-stream restoration project. We will not know the result of the project for at least a year, so will monitor and save funds as necessary. See more details below under Creek Restoration Project
BOC/Tribal Tenmile Water Quality Task Force from Aug 12, 2020. Discussed lake health and restoration plans, failed septic tanks, etc and will have a follow up meeting in October.
Alan emailed the marine board asking about the lake bathrooms. He is waiting to hear back.
Working on 2019 tax for TLA that the IRS contacted TLA about.
Vice President’s Report
There may be no meetings between Jan and Feb, but will discuss as it gets closer.
Secretary’s Report
Nothing new to report
Treasurer’s Report
Waterman Trucking-hauling logs: $925.00
creek restoration:$1680.00
memberships: 25.00
trash pick-up: 550.00
pay pal giving
fund : 1.00
raffle: 240.00
balance in checking account:$83,811.07
balance in savings: 1.00
cash on hand: 49.67
total: $83,861.74
total donations for creek restoration: $80,238.46
total expenses creek restoration: $11,074.83
total for 2021 fireworks: 3208.81
total raffle tickets sold: 530.00
TLA approved treasures report
Member at Large Report
Nothing to report.
TLBP Report
Mike Mader was not at meeting, but Alan reported that Mike is getting drawings for a kayak launch at Tenmile Docks.
Also Mayor James Edwards explained that an ADA kayak launch will be installed at Eel Lake.
Outreach Committee
Large Item Pick Up has been changed to extend through the month of August
Julie and Ken Robbers along with Alan Whitney are heading the project and it went very well. Raised money! Ringo’s is allowing a sign-up sheet info for next year.
Julie will create a thank you put out a thank you to all involved/dump vs recycled/repurposed?
Thinking of pushing earth day clean up to first week of May vs Earth Day.
State of the lakes dinner is cancelled due to Covid-19.
Membership Report
No membership officer at this time
Do not have a current email list. John is going to help Alan with this.
Thinking of not requiring membership dues, all funds would be served as donations.
Creek Restoration Project
The majority of the ground work is completed!
TLA asked Mayor for sign specifications.
Thank you’s are posted on the TLA website. Additional thank you From Dee Drummond to Vaughn Reins who helped load and transport the posts.
Lake Gauge Report
The gauge is working. Today at 7 pm the reading was 5.54 feet above sea level. Last year was lower at this time.
Lake gauge had to be updated on the TLBP website due to HTTPS (secured links) updates on Wix
New Business
Bi-laws - TLA approved new Bi-laws.
Main changes to bylaws: Need 2 person signature for spending over $250. Dropping committees that TLA was not using. Removed Roberts Rules. Mostly a formality.
TLA approved liability insurance and board and officers insurance authorized.
Chair raffle is on-going at Ringo’s.
What is the next restoration lake project? Preliminary discussions - John Reiss said that the larger donors are interested in the next restoration project. Alan mentioned the noxious weed - parrot feather in the shoreline as a next step. John Reiss learned from TLBP that it would cost for 3 years of herbicide treatment (aprox $700/year for 1.5 acres).
The Beachroller.com is a mechanical tool that Renee and Jim Towan purchased and have used it 2x to remove weeds.
Julie Robbers hit ground with her pontoon and barge at south lake entrance of the channel, where it was never dredged.
Ringo’s is organizing a Labor day boat parade to start at Ringo’s to celebrate the USA.
Blume recommended that everyone put a life ring on their dock for safety. She said this could save lives.
Mayor asked the TLA to write a formal letter thanking the fire department. A motion approved for TLA to send a letter to the fire department. TLA recommended TLA send a letter to first responders Coos County marine sheriff as well. TLA approved motion. John will draft a letter and send it to board members for revision.
Private citizens are starting a drive to have life jackets available for the public.
Floating Outhouses
Alan contacted the Oregon State Marine Board on 8/6/2020 regarding getting the floating outhouses operating again
South Lake’s has been completely removed
North Lake’s is still in place - we are unsure if it is working properly
Email From: BELLEQUE Janine, Oregon State Marine Board, To: Alan Whitney: The Marine Board provided Boating Facility Grant funds to Coos County Parks to purchase, install, own and maintain the two floating restrooms. Coos County notified us that the South floating restroom toilet unit was no longer functioning properly last year. We let them know that we were working with the Department of Administrative Services to establish a statewide price agreement that could be utilized to retrofit or replace the toilets. I anticipate the price agreement to be fully executed by the end of the month Additionally, the County is eligible for grant funds to help with maintenance and operation of the floating restrooms, however they declined maintenance assistance funds this year. Coos County Parks can apply for grant funding to retrofit or replace the toilets. I would encourage you to talk with Coos County Parks about the floating restrooms. If the County is no longer interested maybe the City of Lakeside would be interested in taking over the operation and maintenance of the two floating restrooms or perhaps the County or City could contract with the Tenmile Lake Association to maintain the two floating restrooms?
Meeting adjourned 7:30pm