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Writer's picture: Tenmile Lakes AssociationTenmile Lakes Association


May MEETING 05.05.2021

Location: Lakeshore Lodge, Time: 6 pm


Alan Whitney, Debbie Newman, Julie Robbers, Ken Robbers, Dee Drummond, Greta Krost, Mike Shaw, Lenora Shaw, John Reiss, Renee Towan, Jim Towan, Chuck and Janette Martin

Minutes from April 2021

  • Minutes approved

President’s Report

See below

Vice President’s Report

Julie and Ken are back from Florida for the summer.

Secretary’s Report

Nothing new to report

Treasurer’s Report - approved

no expenses

no income

balance in checking account: $42,431.85

balance in savings account: 1.00

cash on hand: 49.67


total: $42,482.52

total donations for creek restoration: $80,445.26

total expenses for creek restoration: $53,289.90

total donated for 2021 fireworks: $3,208.81

submitted by Debbie Newman, treasurer TLA

Member at Large Report

Nothing to report.

TLBP Report

1. TLBP has an RFP out for the Coleman Arm Bottom Aeration Project. Electrical setup costs are being developed now. We should have bids by the end of the month.

2. TLBP is working with BOC And CTCLUSI to submit a Fed. Appropriation this month through Sen. Merkley for the estimated 3 yr project costs.

3. TLBP will be installing fir post lines on three tributaries to get beaver back in these areas to improve native fish and water quality. Thanks to Al for donating the Fir Posts.

4. Under Commissioner Bob Main and Chief Doc Slyter, TLBP and DSL is coordinating A planning and water quality implementation actions.

5. TLBP and Kayak Project Partners have received over $70k in donations and grants to Install the first ADA Kayak Launch on the coast.

6. TLBP has completed a Fed. Appropriations request to purchase 27 acres in Shutters Arm to restore the historical wetland that will filter sediment entering the lakes.

7. TLBP will be updating the 2004 Tenmile Lakes Integrated Aquatic Plant Management Plan

8. The Tenmile Lamprey Team has radio-tagged over 10 adult Pacific Lamprey and are currently conducting foot and aerial radio-tracking surveys.

9. TLBP is working the Coos County Commissioner and their Council to develop and implement a plan for the County to hold title to purchased lands for wetland restoration. TLBP and/or the Tribes will hold the conservation easements.

Outreach Committee

July 4th Fireworks - City still to determine if the fireworks will occur in 2021. TLA needs to continue to raise funds for 2022 fireworks.

TLA Snack Shack at fireworks to raise funds - No shack this year due to covid.

May 1 Lake Clean-Up was a success. TLA and volunteers filled a 30-yard bin donated from Les’ Sanitation. Thank you!

Wine & Chocolate lake cruise. Julie recommended 3 events, 1/month for June, July, & Aug.

Labor Day Boat Parade (even include N Lake) - Ask for donations for fireworks. Motion to table discussion. Julie and Ringo to work together to work out details.

History Dinner - Would TLA be allowed to have 50 people in September? We can do it outdoors at county park. Use culinary students.

Membership Report

From Blume “Let's cut out the membership as a "fee" and change it to a "donation". This alleviates two issues... 1. Now when someone gives money, it's clear that it's a donation, not a required membership fee and 2. We get to collect the email addresses for anyone who wants to sign up as a member - whether they can/want to donate or not.

Then once that is set up, we can do pledge drives and ask for donations when we have projects coming up. Instead of worrying about keeping data on a few small payments that we receive here and there.

Blume would set this up on the website if approved. There would be a spot to sign up as a TLA member with an OPTION to make a donation at the time.

Another bonus of doing it this way is that those with bigger dollars are way more likely to donate more than $25 and those without a lot of money still get to feel included without having to spend anything.”

Discussion at the meeting:

Who manages the email addresses? Who sends out emails? Is there a reminder for dues?

Motion to “make membership a donation vs a standard fee amount.” Motion approved.

Action Item: Need to look at bi-laws for ‘fees’.

Creek Restoration Project

Last week a large hole in the bank (west side) by the cut and the top log. Put 2 dump truck loads of rock in the hole. The lake is being held up at least 1’ foot. We are 2 feet lower than last year (strictly rainfall). After 7.5’ it has slowed considerably.

Lake Gauge Report


Old business

Algae Report - Lake is visually green and water temp is up.

Life Jacket Station at County Docks - Station is now up but not finished. Wake sign is up and awaiting lifejacket signs. Alan donated materials and time. Ringo donated sign and life jackets.

How many life jackets will be available? Mark with ‘Donated TLA’.

Can we send an email to ‘members’ to donate new life jackets?

Motion approved to do a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the life jacket station on June 13 at 2 pm.

Wake signs are still available. Some are being placed. Still looking for recommendations for placing signs in more locations.

New Business

Do we want to have a TLA booth at the Wheels and Deals Car Show on June 19? Booths are free.

Sunlake Marina - Should we contact them to become TLA members? See website.

How many boat access-only properties are on both lakes? You have to count or look at maps. Some lake owners want to know about Bass tournaments, because of limited parking or delays at the boat ramp during large tournaments.

Meeting adjourned 7:33pm

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