Tenmile Lakes Association
March MEETING 03/02/2022
Lakeshore Lodge and via zoom at 6:00 PM
Debbie Newman, Dee Drummond, Greta Krost, MiJames ke Shaw, Diane Snyder, Mayor Edwards, Renee Towan, Jim Towan, Lori Satche
Via Zoom – Michelle Texley, Tammy Combs, and Rob Jonas
Minutes from Dec 2021
President’s Report
Thanks Diane for filling in for Alan
Vice President’s Report
Diane called Les’s Sanitation for Earth Day Clean up - only providing 1 dumpster to be at the county park.
Diane contacted a group from Facebook - ‘.... Beautification’. 3 people willing to help with Earth Day Cleanup.
Secretary’s Report
Motion approved to buy speaker for zoom meetings, but will keep using personal chromebook
Treasurer’s Report
Expenses: none
Income: Creek Restoration donation 10.00 (less $0.69 paypal)
balance in checking account: 34,018.54
balance in savings account: 1.00
balance in pay pal: .00
cash on hand: 34.62
total: 34,053.16
total donations for creek restoration: $80,501.12
total expenses for creek restoration: $63,939.90
total carried over for 2022 fireworks: $ 3,208.81
submitted by Debbie Newman, treasurer of TLA
Ask Blume or John Reiss who handles Paypal about categories
Member at Large Report
● nothing to report
TLBP Report
Lots of great collaboration and work happening to improve the state of the lakes! Aeration, creating wetlands, applying for grants, noxious lake weeds, MOUs in place….
Outreach Committee
Earth Day lake cleanup on April 23 at 9am at the county dock or start cleaning up or then clean up and meet there later.
What about Earth day Scavenger hunt categories, garbage trophies. – Cathy Reiss to look into creative re-used trophies.
Food – Towans volunteered to cook food at Wulfy Beach.
Diane called Les’s for a dumpster donation at county dock.
July 4th booth - Discuss what we need later to raise awareness and funds. Looking for ideas.
Experience Lakeside - Free booth to TLA and TLBP on Fathers day weekend June 18th for, via the lakeside. 8 am (10 am) to 4 pm.
History Dinner on hold until COVID threat is clearer. Discussions to move to October at the Lodge at $45/head.
Wine and Cheese Lake Tour. This is a popular event and raised $1,500 with 5 pontoon boats. Maybe in September.
Membership Report
Have 227 emails in mailchimp. Including new addresses from Cathy of new lake owners.
Need to call to see if only phone numbers.
Some dates on the website are outdated. Need to Ask Blume and John.
Drafting content for 1st email campaign, to be approved by board at the April meeting.
Creek Restoration Project
Beaver activity, which is good. The in-stream logs are working with low water, since it is holding water where it was designed at 7.5’ water level.
Lake Gauge Report
9.27’ Dec 1, 2021
8.65’ Feb 2, 2022
The January rainfall at the Southwest Oregon Regional Airport was well below the 1902=2022 average, 3.40" vs. 9.97". This was the 9th driest January since 1902, and four of the nine have happened since 2001. Since October 1, 2021, the beginning of water year 2022, the airport has received 27.86" vs. an average of 34.43". – Compiled by John Colby, Hydrologist
9.8’ March 2, 2022
February is another dry month unfortunately. The February rainfall at the Southwest Oregon Regional Airport was approximately a third of the 1902-2022 average, 2.32" vs. 7.86". – Compiled by John Colby, Hydrologist
Old Business
Discuessed above
New Business
Meeting ran over time, quickly discussed a few items.
Lakeside Chamber of Commerce dissolved.
Meeting adjourned 7:35 PM