June MEETING 06.02.2021
Location: Lakeshore Lodge, Time: 6 pm
Alan Whitney, Debbie Newman, Julie Robbers, Ken Robbers, Dee Drummond, Greta Krost, Mike Shaw,
Minutes from May 2021
Minutes approved
President’s Report
See below
Vice President’s Report
Nothing new to report
Secretary’s Report
Nothing new to report
Treasurer’s Report - approved
no expenses
Income $100 (general Donation)
balance in checking account: $42,531.85
balance in savings account: 1.00
cash on hand: 49.67
total: $42,582.52
total donations for creek restoration: $80,445.26
total expenses for creek restoration: $53,289.90
total donated for 2022 fireworks: $3,208.81
submitted by Debbie Newman, treasurer TLA
Member at Large Report
Nothing to report.
TLBP Report -
1. TLBP is expected to receive bids this month for the Coleman Bottom Aeration Project.
Electrical setup costs have been received. Draft 404 permit needs adjacent landowner addresses prior to submission to County and then State and Feds.
2. TLBP submitted 2 Fed. Appropriations last month.
3. TLBP will be installing fir post lines on three tributaries to get beaver back in these areas to improve native fish and water quality. Thanks to Al for donating the Fir Posts.
4. TLBP and DSL are coordinating Lakefront Outreach for new lakefront development.
5. The Kayak Project is completed and handed off to the State Parks for long-term maintenance under an MOA.
6. The Tenmile Lamprey Team has radio-tagged over 10 adult Pacific Lamprey and is currently conducting foot and aerial radio-tracking surveys.
Outreach Committee
July 4th Fireworks - 2021 fireworks have been funded.
Motion approved to apply the current funds in TLA for fireworks to use for 2022 fireworks.
TLA Snack Shack at fireworks to raise funds - No shack this year due to covid.
Wine & Chocolate lake cruise. Julie recommended 3 events, 1/month for Aug. 7 and maybe July 10. Charge $40/per person
Labor Day Boat Parade (even include N Lake) - Ask for donations for fireworks. Motion to table discussion. Julie and Ringo to work together to work out details.
State of the Lakes via TLPB - To be determined
Large Item Clean-up Aug 21
History Dinner September 9/18/2021 - Julie will commit to helping with dinner. Location? TLA has an outside tent to hold 50 people outdoors.
$50/plate dinner.
Use culinary students.
Membership Report
Table Action Item: Blume and Towan to look at the website for donation set up (suggested donation $25) and hook with email notifications.
Alan said “The bi-laws do not state information about fees for membership required. for ‘fees’.
Creek Restoration Project
Additional stabilization is needed. Will likely need 3 more loads of rock before winter for erosion in specific places.
Lake Gauge Report
7.28’ May 5
6.23’ June 2
Old business
Algae Report - No Report.
Life Jacket Station at County Docks - Up and running!
Wake signs - Julie says that the wake boats were following rules, having fun in the middle of the lake, and keeping distance from docks.
New Business
Sunlake Marina - Alan tried to contact them via email but with no response.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm