July MEETING 7.07.21
Location: Lakeshore Lodge, Time: 6 pm
Alan Whitney, Debbie Newman, Dee Drummond, Greta Krost, Jim Moulten, Mayor James Edwards
Minutes from June 2021
Minutes approved
President’s Report
See below
Vice President’s Report
Not present
Secretary’s Report
Nothing to report
Treasurer’s Report
Great American Insurance-liability for creek restoration: $532.00
Income $50 (general Donation from Network for Good)
balance in checking account: $42,049.85
balance in savings account: 1.00
cash on hand: 49.67
total: $42,100.52
total donations for creek restoration: $80,445.26
total expenses for creek restoration: $53,821.90
total donated for 2022 fireworks: $3,208.81
submitted by Debbie Newman, treasurer TLA
Member at Large Report
Not present
TLBP Report
State of the Lakes Dinner - Donations accepted, August 21 at the Lions Club in Lakeside, Oregon. Focus on Lakefront homeowners. TLA should have a table to set up to get new members/emails. TLA speaker to promote TLA and membership drive.
Working in the Elliott State Forest - Restoration
Monitoring on Tenmile Creek
Outreach Committee
Lake tour events Wine and chocolate - Ask Julie Robbers
Labor day boat parade - Ask John Reiss
History dinner - Ask Julie. Get catering cost per plate? Inquire with the City for use of the senior center. Sept 18
Large item pickup - Ask Julie. Aug 21
Algae report - Commodore of Yacht Club closed the swim beach (white gray paint look).
TLPB is going to start monitoring.
Life jacket station- Station is now finished. The lifejacket loaner station has been used a lot already. We originally stocked it with 15 lifejackets of various size and type. All vests have been marked "Property of Tenmile Lakes Association". To date we have disposed of two that became damaged and replaced five that were not returned. Hopefully the ones that were not returned will be well used by the takers. Currently there are 13 life jackets available for loaning.
If anyone has lifejackets that you would like to donate please let me know. The biggest need right now is adults of all sizes. We have an abundance of 50-90 lb. youth.
Wake Signs are now available. Some are being placed. Recommendations for more locations. Locations on Devore Arm and Shutter arm
Membership Report
Membership report – donations, website
Creek Restoration Project
Lake Gauge Report
7.28’ May 5
6.23’ June 2
6.00’ July 7
New Business
Motion approved to postpone annual election of yearly board members election in September 2021.
Welcome letter to new residents - Focus on what TLA has achieved and why to join. Send corrections to Alan by end of July. There are 91 new lakefront members since 2008.
TLA and Lakefront homeowners to review the Do and Dont’s of the Lakefront Home Owners.
Motion to approve directors and board insurance for ~$558.
Meeting adjourned 7:09 PM