Wednesday, Feburary 3, 2021 - Zoom Online Meeting
Alan Whitney, Blume Bauer, Debbie Newman, Renee Towan, Jim Towan, John Reiss, Dennis Crismore
Minutes from November 2020
Motion to approve made by Debbie, 2nd by Jim. All were in favor. Minutes approved
President’s Report
Will discuss items later in the agenda.
Vice President’s Report
Absent (Jim & Renee Towan have proxy)
Secretary’s Report
Absent (Blume Bauer took minutes)
Treasurer’s Report
The current account balance is $45,355.92
Membership Dues: $97.50
Paypal Giving Fund: $2.00
Cascade Pacific via Mike Mader for Creek Restoration $1500
Alan Whitney Reimbursement
Gift Certificate for Mike Mader $170.00
Creek Restoration $44.63
Debbie Newman Reimbursement for checks $40.54
USPS for Annual PO Box Fee $64
Corporation Division Annual Fee $50
Total expenses $1869.17
Checking $45,305.25
Paypal $0
Savings Account $1.00
Cash on hand $49.67
Total Raised for Creek Restoration Project to date – $80,445.26
Total Expenses for Creek Restoration Project to date – $53,289.90
Total Raised for 2020 Fireworks – $3208.81
Total Raffle Tickets sold $630.00
Debbie is in contact with Angie Cowan regarding our taxes. She has sent over the files that Angie needs to get our taxes filed for this year.
The 5-year membership purchased was from Dan Courtney from Roseburg.
Jim made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report, Renee seconded. All were in favor.
Member at Large Report
TLBP Report
Mike Mader put in a formal request for bids for aeration on the lake
He will need these bids to request grant money.
He will apply for grants when he has all of the bids in.
Outreach Committee
Earth Day Lake Clean Up
Scheduled for May 1st
4th of July
We are unsure if the city is hosting the fireworks this year.
Membership Report
Alan will ask Angie Cowan if our members are required to be paid members.
Creek Restoration Project
The water has reached a height that covers the restoration at this point. Not sure if the willows planted are still there.
Floating Restroom Report
North Lake restroom is still present and clean.
Life Jacket Station
Renee filled out what she could in the packet but hit a snag
Needs to get bids and the funding part filled out for the grant work
Alan recommended talking to Mader to see who to get bids from
Wake Signs
Now available and have been provided to North Lake Resort, Ringo’s Marina, the County Park, and Osprey RV Resort.
Other potential recommended locations
Camp Easter Seals
Sunlake Marina
Floating Restroom on North Lake
Jim & Renee Towan’s Dock
Alan would like to see one go up at the entrance to Coleman Arm
John Reiss’s friend offered to put one on his place
Lake Gauge Report
New Business
Phil Gray’s boat sunk on North Lake. Harry and Mike spent two days getting it out of the lake and could possibly be compensated for their time. John asked to push the conversation to the next meeting.
Meeting adjourned 7:15pm