August MEETING 8.04.21
Location: Lakeshore Lodge, Time: 6 pm
Alan Whitney, Debbie Newman, Dee Drummond, Greta Krost, Mike Mader, Jim Werelus, Rob Jonas, John Reiss
Minutes from July 2021
Minutes approved
President’s Report
August 13th Alan and Mike are visiting a lake aeration project at Devils Lake near Lincoln City
TLA insurance is paid to date
Vice President’s Report
Not present
Secretary’s Report
Nothing to report
Treasurer’s Report
Johnson Rock (for creek restoration) $1560.00
NBS Insurance-liability 535.17
Blume Bauer-reimburse domain 19.17
National Brokerage-bal.due liability 22.83
total expenses: $2137.17
Paypal(dues Travis Mann and
Scott Marshall) 48.30
Balance in checking account:$39,912.68
Balance in Savings: 1.00
cash on hand: 49.67
paypal: 48.30
Total: $40,011.65
total donations for creek restoration: $80,445.26
Total expenses creek restoration: $55,939.90
total carried over for 2022 fireworks: $3,208.81
submitted by Debbie Newman, treasurer of TLA
Member at Large Report
Not present
TLBP Report
Perch Derby - August 14th, PRIZES $450, Ringo’s website and TLPB https://www.facebook.com/TenmileWatershed/ . TLA receives the application fee.
Busy summer - creek restoration in the Elliott to improve the natural functions and help fish.
State of the Lakes Dinner - $10 donations appreciated, August 21 at the Lions Club in Lakeside, Oregon. Focus on Lakefront homeowners. TLA should have a table to set up to get new members/emails. TLA speaker to promote TLA and membership drive. N. Lake Resort and Greta will be at the TLA Table.
Monitoring on Tenmile Creek
Outreach Committee
History dinner - Motion to postpone, because we need a volunteer to run it. Maybe we will hold it at Lakeshore Lodge.
Large item pickup - Aug 21. Contact Alan by email whitneyalan9@gmail.com for large items to be pick-up. Donations accepted.
Lake tour events Wine and chocolate - Cancelled
Labor day boat parade - Sunday 5th - start on Ringo’s south lake and head to north lake.
Ongoing Report
Algae report - good
Membership Report
Membership report – donations, website - Please donate
Creek Restoration Project
Lake Gauge Report
7.28’ May 5
6.23’ June 2
6.00’ July 7
5.3’ August 4
New Business
John recommended a video on Facebook for TLA updates.
Meeting adjourned 7:38 PM