TLA, Tenmile Lakes Association meeting 5/01/2019
Lakeshore Lodge
Call to Order
Board Roll Call and Introductions of members. Guests
Approval of minutes from 04/03/2019
President’s Report- June meeting adjustment? Grant writing course.
Vice-President’s Report
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
At Large Member’s Report
TLBP report
Committee Reports
Outreach & Membership -Julie Robbers
Earth Day Lake and beach cleanup April 27; 10AM-2PM
Next Event Wine and Cheese tour May 18th 3PM
Lakeside Fireworks July 4th
State of the Lakes August 16th
Large Item pickup August 23rd
History Dinner October 12th
Membership report -Rachele
Old Business
Lake gauge report
Large wood project 404 soon to be ready to be submitted to City. Grant requests getting ready to submit. Awaiting final drafts with engineering and timetable with letters of support. These will need to be submitted for later in year as we will need engineering done. Meet with Engineer 5/02.
Dues increase, Reminder dues are now due for 2019 and end of year donations are accepted
TLA has a lot going on I would request active participation at events and online and anyone interested in participation on board elections are prior to State of the Lakes in August.
Weather cam at Ringo’s
TLA septic improvement project..
We need funding for Engineering evaluation for Beaver restoration project and studies for city.
New business from members
Donation to Dianne Beggs Lakesidetonian