2/5/2025 TLA MEETING Lakeshore Lodge 5:30 Agenda
TLA, Tenmile Lakes Association                                                  meeting Lakeshore Lodge Wednesday 5:30PM 02/05/25...
TLA, Tenmile Lakes Association                                                  meeting Lakeshore Lodge Wednesday 5:30PM 02/05/25...
Pictures show that the recent project to create wetlands is already showing success. Thanks to a land donation by Lone Rock Timber and...
Tenmile Lakes Association Meeting Minutes November 6, 2024, Lakeshore Lodge Attendees: Gerry Ewing, Shane Anderson, Betty Ewing, Sarah...
At last night's meeting the TLA board passed a resolution that we would reduce the number of meetings. Meetings would be at Lakeshore...
TLA, Tenmile Lakes Association                                                  meeting Lakeshore Lodge Wednesday 5:30PM 11/06/24...
TLA, Tenmile Lakes Association                                          meeting Lakeshore Lodge Wednesday 5:30PM ...
Friday the 13th we had an excellent dinner by Lakeshore Lodge. There was a silent auction where people were able to bid on a variety of...
TLA, Tenmile Lakes Association                                                  meeting Lakeshore Lodge Wednesday 5:30PM 9/04/24...
Our annual history dinner and raffle will be held on September 13 at 5PM At Lakeshore Lodge. Tickets will be $50/plate. Menu Choices:...
I received notice yesterday that TLBP has moved the Dinner and talks of the State of the Lakes to Friday August 16 at 5 pm. We will keep...
TLA, Tenmile Lakes Association meeting Lakeshore Lodge Wednesday 5:30PM 8/07/24 AGENDA Call to Order Board Roll Call and Introductions...
The State of the Lakes put on by Mike Mader and TLBP will be at the Lions Club on August 23 at 5 PM. You can expect the usual good...
Due to conflict at the Lakeshore Lodge the dinner is moved to September 13 a Friday. Brett Brownscombe is to speak on the Elliott State...
We have secured Brett Brownscombe, from DSL to seek to us about the changes and future of the Elliot State Forest. The Forest is the...
We have DSL permit to treat invasive weeds in the canal between North and South Lakes. This will begin August 7 with Herbicide spray. ...